BBBSPGH Earns 2021 Big Brothers Big Sisters of America Quality Award

We are really proud to say that Big Brothers Big Sisters of America recognized the Greater Pittsburgh BBBS for outstanding team leadership in providing 1-to-1 mentoring programming for local youth in 2021!

The 2021 Big Brothers Big Sisters of America Quality Award recognizes the hard work of agency leadership and staff to provide high-quality programming for the children we serve. Agencies receiving the Quality Award: Served a minimum of 100 children (BBBSPGH serves 1200) and raised $200,000 in revenue (we beat that mark, too); Achieved a Community-Based 12-month retention rate of 73.02% or higher and achieved a Site-Based 12-month retention rate of 54.05% or higher (yep – we nailed those goals as well).

Every year, BBBS agencies are recognized by BBBSA Nationwide Leadership Council, made up of local Big Brothers Big Sisters agency leaders and board members, for excellence in the organization’s signature 1-to-1 youth mentoring program. Out of approximately 230 Big Brothers Big Sisters agencies across the country, BBBSPGH is one of 53 organizations to receive this top honor.

Congrats to our board and staff for making quality programming a priority for our local children,” said Becky Flaherty, CEO of BBBSPGH. “Their hard work equates to more mentorship in and a brighter future for area youth.”